Tiled walls make the ideal surrounding material for your shower. With a resistance to moisture, impeccable style, and design versatility to fit about any space, tile has no shortages of advantages. However, the grout that is between each positioned tile in your bathroom can be another story. Even with proper sealing, grout in the shower can get stained with ugly discoloration that all but ruins the overall look of the surrounding tile walls.
- If you have carpet in your house and you also have allergies, your carpet could be making your allergies worse. Carpets are notorious for holding in allergens, which can make living in your home more unpleasant that it should be when you suffer from allergies. You can fight back against allergens in your carpets by keeping dirt out of your home, vacuuming with the right filter, and getting your carpet deep cleaned annually.
- Are you expanding a home office and opening a "real" office in a commercial building? Have you considered who will be doing the cleaning once you move to the new office? For many people, who will do the cleaning is likely a secondary consideration. If any thought is given to it at all, the idea might be for the employees to take turns taking out the trash and cleaning up or, perhaps, you might be toying with the idea of hiring a full-time cleaning person.
- When you think of cleaning your carpet, the first things that come to mind may be bottles of specialized cleaners and high-powered carpet shampooers. However, carpet cleaning does not always have to be complicated. Here are six things you probably already have around your home and can use to clean your carpet. Ice Cubes Ice cubes come in really handy if you need to remove gum from your carpet. Hold the ice cube against the gum until it gets hard.
- Dealing with and cleaning up after a flood in your home can include tossing out damaged items, removing standing water, and cleaning mold growth from some surfaces, when possible. Here are some steps to flood restoration so you can salvage your carpeting and remove dangerous mold spores that may lead to adverse health affects in you and your family. Remove Standing Water Before you can address any mold and mildew, you will need to suck up any standing water on your flooring.